BEG - Nursing costs

The costs of necessary care provided by a nurse or nursing facility are reimbursable if the applicant can be assigned at least to care level 2 within the meaning of Section 15 (3) sentence 4 number 2 of the SGB XI (Elftes Buch Sozialgesetzbuch).

The compensation authorities are to be informed immediately when nursing becomes imminent. In this case a detailed certification by the doctor giving treatment is to be submitted as to the need for nursing care. Moreover, infor-mation is also to be provided as to how and through whom the care is to follow and what provisional costs will be incurred.

By getting a medical appraisal the authorities will then examine whether nursing care is needed as a result of persecution and to what extent a nurse or a nursing home is to be used.

The later reimbursement application must be submitted directly to the responsible compensation authorities. The specific receipts specifying the services provided by the nurse or the nursing home must be sent with the application for reimbursement.

In the case of nursing care needed for a longer period of time continuous monthly treatment to the amount of the necessary and reasonable nursing costs can be ap-proved for a limited period of maximum two years instead of the reimbursement of the nursing costs in retrospect. In this case the nursing costs are to be evidenced every quarter year and the compensation authorities must be informed immediately as to any changes that can have an influence on the reasons or the extent of the claim for reimbursement of the nursing costs.