
1) Pension claims for victims of persecution:

For former victims of persecution by the NS who have suffered physical injury or damage to health or their career has been impaired as a result of persecution such persons have claim to a regular pension under certain conditions. The details are laid down in §§ 28 ff BEG in connection with the 2nd DV-BEG (physical injury and damage to health) as well as §§ 65 ff BEG in connection with the 3rd DV-BEG (which covers impairment to career).

Furthermore, in the case of death of a victim as a result of said persecution (damage to life §§ 15 ff. BEG in connection with the 1st DV-BEG as well as § 41 BEG) claims are given for pension, compensation or capital reimbursement..

2) Pension claims of descendants:

(Descendant pensions and assistance)

Should a former persecuted person die as a result of physical injury caused by per-secution or due to impaired health under specific further conditions he can have claims to a descendant pension or assistance (§§ 41, 41a BEG).

Should a receiver of a pension die as a result of impairment to his career then the surviving married partner and the children have claim to a regular pension under certain conditions.

3) On the amount of pension:

First of all the amount paid as a regular pension is generally linked with the salary of the Federal German Civil Servants and is adjusted like these pensions at irregular intervals according to the development in the economy. On the other hand the amount paid is dependent on the determined personal and economic situation of the individual and in the case of pensions for impairment to health this depends more especially on the extent of the damage to the health of victims of persecution. In the case of any subsequent changes in this situation, application can be made for rede-terming the pension (Pension increases).

Apart from this should as a result of new legislation coming into force any change or adjustment to earlier decisions or comparisons are only considered in very seldom cases (Pension review).